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5 Top Trending Plugins that Will Make your Site an SEO Monster


As a web content creator, you desire for your content to amass a lot of engagements on any level. This is achievable when your output stays at the top of search engine results as people keep thronging in to get answers related to your scope. It is human nature not to stress and go for the priority results. But how do you get there? By mastering the SEO dynamics, which is quite broad.

Knowing the dynamics begins with understanding the concept of SEO very well—knowing how the process is run and the marketing strategies— until you reach a vital point, selecting the right SEO tools. Consider not only the right ones but the best of them too. Beyond personal progress, you need tools that can ultimately mend every loophole and bring your site to reckoning.

Plugins are very important tools in this regard. These applications are like robots that instinctively help you sort out meta tags, descriptions, and titles linked to your site’s HTML. These are common components supplied to search engines, and when your contents possess them, properly, you’re going to draw traffic. Some plugins also fix structures and point out dormant links to make your site worth visiting. Nobody wants to bounce off walls by meeting “Page Not Found 301” upon clicking on links.

SEO plugins are numerous worldwide; each web host resorts to the one that suits him. But the powers of some supersede the functions

Here are the top 5 Trending plugins that will make your site an SEO monster.

Yoast SEO Plugin

Widely used among WordPress users, the Yoast SEO plugin stands out from every other of its kind. The plugin is loaded with all features to optimize self-hosting sites from top to bottom. SEO by Yoast can perform every function free of charge—download it only and proceed. However, a premium subscription is available that provides services a notch higher. Yoast SEO premium goes for $69 per year for a site. Yoast actively customizes bits of URL, meta tags, and meta descriptions for pop up during web searches. That is, making your “responses” pretty obvious to pertaining queries. This is in addition to ready-made templates for its users, which maximize the efficiency of these features. The plugin slips in the hybridized meta descriptions and tags automatically into fresh posts on your website. Yoast does everything!

What’s More?

  • Provides content optimization snippet preview.
  • Yoast spells out the content of your website to every search engine.
  • Updates you on the outdated parts of your site every six months.
  • The plugin ensures the readability, proper structure, and solid internal linking of your content.
  • Yoast allays your fears of possible duplication of someone else’s content (plagiarism) by comparing and contrasting yours with similar sites online.

Visual Effects & Animation Kit for Elementor

 If you are looking for a handy plugin that will make your personal or business project look more striking, the Visual Effects and Animation Kit is exactly what you need. It’s a multi-purpose extension featuring a set of 6 modules in a single package. The plugin includes the mouse helper, image effects, image mask, dynamic background, background text, and background slide modules.

Each of them is fully editable and can be adjusted to match the style of your site’s pages or blog posts perfectly well. Besides making your site look more visually striking, the plugin lets you improve your site’s usability.

For example, the mouse helper lets you add dynamic suggestions to any page of your site while hovering the mouse over different objects.

SEO Framework

This application is an advanced program itself. It produces vital meta tags of its own volition in a manner fitting for your site’s language. This process requires nothing from you and saves your time. The SEO Framework also optimizes all your web pages. Perhaps, there is any feature on its setup you wish to silence, that’s possible. A lone stickler for the web provisions by Google, SEO Framework smoothens every rough edge of your content.

This plugin places the spotlight on users’ desired qualities over the neglected ones. In this way, you can customize your program, make it peculiar, and enable it to run faster with almost no bugging.

Your website search presence is bolstered by activating breadcrumbs on the Google protocol. Asides from on search engines, your web content can experience social media sharing by following their Cards protocol. Your work becomes very visible on Twitter, WhatsApp, and Pinterest, amongst others.

Subscription varies on SEO Framework depending on the number of sites you manage. However, for one site, you incur $35 a year.

Broken Link Checker

As the name implies, it runs through all the cracks on your web page and seals them appropriately. Unlike other checking tools, a broken link checker sorts out only the dead references in need of improvement instead of throwing all the links, good or bad, at you. This application runs a full-blown check on your contents in the bid to note blunders for rectification, show their exact locations, and validate okay ones internally and externally. These blunders will never repeat themselves, a smart feature of the validator. However, due to its high flexibility, the Broken Link Checker can be prodded for the history of past activities. By fixing comatose links, you allow readers to enjoy the benefits of avoiding non-existent pages.

Gladly, Broken Link Checker works efficiently across various devices, operating systems, and search engines. Plus, the services are free.


SEO Press

Apart from its known compatibility with varying systems, SEO Press is your ideal plugin toolbox. Since 2017, it has remained dear to tens of thousands of web hosts on the WordPress Platform. SEO Press has got every necessary feature from breadcrumbs to a broken line checker! All in the bid to optimize your SEO game. It creates unique HTML sitemaps and boosts traffic on your site by going further to foster links with social media platforms. SEO Press adds value to users’ time by its lightning speed backed with an absolute resetting of their web pages. This one-click acceleration is preempted by an installation wizard to apply the correct working condition on your device. After that, some of the steps taken are;

  • Speed proof checking of titles, including the pricey URLs and target words/ keywords.
  • Massive action to enhance a bulk modifying process.
  • Breaking down of meta descriptions and tags into simpler variables to eliminate difficulties.
  • Takes care of almost everything concerning attached images with the help of AI and machine instructions.
  • In fact, with the PRO version, you can send and receive metadata from CSV files.

Special features are present as a matter of users’ choice on SEO Press. At will, you can activate and deactivate a feature without tampering with the application’s full outlook.

  • Pricing:

Cost-wise, SEO Press won’t rock your boat. At $39 per annum for the PRO version, every feature is at your disposal. There is a free version, but it doesn’t measure up to PRO.

SEO Press


This charge-free plugin runs an in-depth search on your contents and picks out the important SEO metrics. SEOquake analysis covers Keywords, links, and web page engagement. The tools used are the SEO Audit tool, Keyword Density Report, External and Internal Link Analysis, etc. The SERP overlay is available to provide detailed reports alongside each listing for web page analysis. This superb application can also issue templates to ensure your site fits usual search engine inquiries. Also, SEOquake compares URLs or domains on your site. Social media is another platform that increases traffic on your website. Your statistics on them are provided, and steps to keep the engagement figures on a high are resolved.

seo quake


Mastering SEO as a concept is a huge step, but deploying the best plugins on your site backs up the mastery. The tools outlined above are widely acclaimed by both beginner and experienced web hosts, yes, even large corporations. We also believe they will make your website an SEO giant in no time.

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