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5 Reasons Why Your Online Business Should Start Implementing Instagram Marketing

Instagram Marketing

Wondering if Instagram marketing is worth it? Spoiler alert: It is. Whether or not you already have a lot of Instagram followers, creating and implementing a strong IG marketing strategy is an absolute must.

Instagram statistics shows that it is a hugely popular platform–and with all of the shopping features the platform continues to roll out, it’s easier than ever for brands to get started promoting themselves through this social channel.

Whether you have a full in-house content team or you’re a solopreneur, it’s not difficult to get going with your Instagram strategy. And the results you’ll see will make all of the effort 100% worth it.

Take a look at these five compelling reasons why your online business needs to use Instagram marketing.

5 Reasons Why Your Online Business Should Use Instagram Marketing

1. Instagram Will Help Boost Your Sales

Adding your business on Instagram creates another way for customers to find you. Instagram is a great method to find new customers: This platform has almost 1.5 billion users, and 81% of people use Instagram to research products and services. By strategically positioning your brand on this social media site, you’ll be able to get in front of the people who need your product the most.

How can you ensure that customers will find your business online? One great strategy is the use of Instagram hashtags. Hashtags effectively categorize your posts. For example, a local restaurant might use the hashtags #atlantarestaurant, #foodie, and #eateratlanta. These would help people in the area find out about the restaurant.

Instagram Will Help Boost Your Sales

Another good way to help people find you is to cross-promote your Instagram on your other social media channels, or your website, or email newsletter. Encourage people to follow your IG account for exclusive content they won’t see anywhere else.

Adding an “”Instagram wall for events“” can be a fantastic addition to your business’s Instagram strategy. This feature not only engages your current audience but also attracts potential customers by showcasing the dynamic and lively atmosphere of your events.

It’s also important to analyze Instagram followers demographics and engage with your followers through the right content. You can also like their photos or leave a genuine comment. Then they’ll come back to check out your page.

2. You Can Directly Communicate With Customers

150 million people have a conversation with a brand on Instagram every month. That’s a lot of people! And the more people communicate with your brand, the more likely they are to turn into a first-time or repeat customer. By focusing on engagement, you can grow your brand like never before.

Answer all direct messages that you receive as quickly as possible with a genuine, helpful answer. The same goes for comments. Respond to any comments on your Instagram posts in a tone that fits with your brand voice, or simply like the comment if it doesn’t necessitate a full response. This improves your customer service and helps people perceive your brand as friendly and knowledgeable–which we’ll talk about next.

3. Build A Positive Brand Image

Instagram can help you create a more positive image of your brand. This is essential: 71% of consumers who have a positive experience with a brand on social are likely to recommend that brand to friends and family. If you want more customers and referrals, it’s your job to provide that positive experience people want.

Strategically leverage your Instagram account to uplevel the customer experience. Engaging with your followers is a big part of this; people remember the brands that interact with them on social media. You can also share relevant short and long-form content that addresses your customers’ pain points. You may download video from Instagram profiles that are highly rated and use the ideas to make videos for your profile.

From Stories to Reels to traditional in-feed posts, there are all kinds of ways to connect with your followers and boost their perception of your brand.

Build A Positive Brand Image

4. Instagram Is Optimized For Business

Not a social media guru? Don’t worry–Instagram is easy to use. The platform has a wide variety of business features and only continues to add more. Instagram has been steadily adding more and more shopping features, creating more of an eCommerce platform than simply a photo-sharing app. And now, users who are looking at a product can even complete the buying process without leaving the Instagram app.

As a business on Instagram, you can take advantage of options like:

  • A business profile
  • Instagram ads
  • Reels
  • Stories
  • Product tags
  • Branded content
  • IGTV
  • Instagram Live
  • Instagram Shop discovery tab 
  • Instagram Checkout

All of these features are valuable ways to set yourself up for success. Did you know that 50% of customers are more interested in a brand when they see ads for it on Instagram? What’s more, 25% of Gen Z and millennials use Instagram Stories to find products and services. 

The most successful brands on IG regularly incorporate all of these features into their marketing strategies. Apart from that, they also use font aesthetic IG to attract the attention of visitors

Instagram’s business features are there to help you succeed. So use those features for all they’re worth.

5. Useful Feedback About Your Business 

Instagram is a great place to get feedback and insights on your business products. People share posts about the products they use. Or you can scroll through comment sections reading customer feedback. This lets you be a fly on the wall for your target audience, discovering helpful information about what they think.

Useful Feedback About Your Business

It’s also easy to gather your own data directly by posting polls or question boxes on your Stories. You can ask a question right there in Stories for your customers to answer, or direct them to the link in your bio to fill out a longer survey. (Pro tip: Customers are more likely to fill out surveys when you offer them an incentive or reward.)

Whether you search for feedback directly or indirectly, this will all help you get a better handle on what your audience wants and how you can better serve them.

Boost Your Business With Instagram Marketing

Selling on Instagram is the smart way to promote your business. And with a little know-how, it’s not that hard after all. Boost sales, communicate with customers and get feedback about how you’re doing all from this one app. Instagram marketing will take your brand to the next level.

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