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5 Reasons Why Customization Drives e-Commerce Sales in 2018

Global e-commerce is booming. According to Statista, it is expected to hit $4.5 trillion in 2021 which means that more and more companies see the lucrativeness of online shopping. Nowadays websites offering some products and services bombard us from all sides, and customers are spoiled for choice when it comes to making purchase decisions.

If you sell online, you work in a competitive environment, and you need to stand out from the crowd to attract new customers and retain existing ones. And your website is your greatest weapon.

Thus, you need to know how to make your visitors want to come to your site and spend time scrolling it.

The solution? Customize your website!

Customizing means clients receive messages based on settings they’ve chosen. No matter what you are selling, making your website appealing to customers’ unique needs drives e-commerce sales.

Any proof needed?

A study by Janrain has revealed: 74% of online customers get frustrated with websites that offer irrelevant content. The more personalized your content is, the more you will impress your customers.

Here are five reasons why customization drives e-commerce sales:

1. It Helps to Adjust to Your Customers’ Needs

If you wonder why people choose one product or service over another, it’s more likely that the chosen product satisfies customer’s needs. No matter how good your product is, nobody needs it until it can solve customers’ problems.

Knowing your target audience is a key to success when it comes to online sales, and you need to know how to suit their needs. The more details you know, the better service you can provide.

Customization puts your visitors’ needs first. In fact, 45% of customers are more likely to buy on websites that offer personalized recommendations. To boost e-commerce sales, you need to stay creative to collect data about your potential customers to adjust to their needs.

2. It Makes Your Website Trustworthy

One simple concept that helps any business to hold customers is trust. Numbers speak for themselves: 83% of customers who trust your brand will recommend your product to others and 82% of them will keep on using your product frequently.

Customizing your website you give what your customers crave, and it helps to deliver hyber-relevance.

How to make your website look trustworthy with customization?

  • Keep your ‘About Us’ and ‘Contact Us’ pages up-to-date.
  • Publish fresh and useful content.
  • Include testimonials and reviews.
  • Add third-party badges and certifications.
  • Connect your site with social media platforms.

Knowing trust factors allows marketers to customize the website in order to make it trustworthy and, therefore, increase conversions.

3. It Gives Authenticity

It’s harsh but true: customers are fed up with overpolished photos that look too good to be true. People crave authenticity, and if you can look genuine, your customers trust you more.

Customization helps to give visitors what they might want and build trust and loyalty.

Here’s how you can be more authentic:

  • Don’t hide neutral or negative comments. Try to solve them instead.
  • Give user-generated content a try. If you have a permission to publish your customers’ photos, do it.
  • Offer discounts.

Customize your website to be more authentic and get better results.

4. It Simplifies the Navigation Process

When you know your customers’ information (age, gender, preferences), you can create deals that they would love and get them to the desired product immediately.

Paying attention to your customers’ browsing behavior, you can personalize navigation for them. For example, post recommendations based on products your customers have searched before.

Navigational personalization allows marketers to use referral traffic and on-site behavior to customize shopping experience even for first-time visitors.

5. It Improves the Online Checkout Process

A confusing checkout process is a reason for shopping cart abandonment.

Modern people value their time and even a minor misunderstanding in the checkout process may lead to the increase of abandoned carts. The easier the checkout process is, the better conversion.

Taking into account customers’ needs, you can smooth the checkout process and increase sales. Analyzing your customers’ behavior, you can understand where they may be getting stuck in the checkout process and solve these problems by customizing the website.

In Few Words

For a variety of reasons, customizing your website drives e-commerce sales and, therefore, it’s important to have an individual approach toward your customers. While using a common template for your website is easy, it doesn’t give you a benefit to staying one step ahead of your competitors.

If you need to get professional customization, you can always rely on ThemeREX team to get a unique website.

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