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2020 Design Provocations for a Graphic Design Company

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According to the present scenarios, business is mostly dependent on the promotion of the visual content. A visual presentation or a graphic design of the message is much stronger than the text because it offers more illustration to the visitors of a website, leaving a great impact on them. Although the text content is equally essential for the promotion of your business, in the recent promotion trends, more visual content is important.

In this article, I will take you through the top Graphic Designing Services that ought to promote online businesses in 2020. With the design trends, you can come up with your unique strategies for promoting your business.

Company Logo Showing the Brand Message

The logo of your company speaks volumes concerning your business. It plays a crucial role in setting the tone of the business brand. Let take an example of Nike Company. Every time you hear about Nike, you visualize on the “tick” alongside the line that states the “Just do it.” The entire world knows about it. It is the logo that has impacted so much into the Nike brand. Therefore, get yourself a logo design done properly to convey the right message concerning your brand.

Business Card Design

A business card is also very important as it carries your name logo, contacts, and address to reach out to business owners.  Apart from the details in your business card, it should be impressive and compelling on the eye of everyone who sets their eyes on it as it can help acquire more customers for the company.

The Quality of the Image on Social Media

When it comes to promoting your business, nothing works best than social media does. The social media platforms have huge impacts on your business because of the campaign that happens there, especially if a product is posted. There is a significantly high chance of converting visitors into potential buyers after they go through reviews that would be commented on social media platforms. Therefore, it is good to use the best images on your pages.

Put in mind that the viewers will have to see the image post on social media as they scroll down the pages. They may not have intentions of checking out your posts, but once they come across quality images that, they get interested in knowing much more about that particular product.

Therefore, it is essential to post an attractive image to get the attention of online users instantly. It will make them scroll down further information regarding the product. A post has less than a second to impress an online user. Thus, it requires heeding to whatever you post.

Mobile-Friendly Graphic Designs

Most of the online users visit your sites or social media pages through their mobile phones. As a web design, always keep that in mind when developing the graphics such that they will become accessible on mobile, especially on Android and iOS. Ensure that the graphics you use for your platform or for marketing are mobile-friendly.  Whether it is a banner for your homepage or the company’s logo, they all have to be perfect for the mobiles.

Also, ensure the particularity for images for different devices, whether it mobile or desktop version of the site. Thus, it is important to go for experts in graphic designing for these services to be efficient and effective. The advantage of getting your images done by the expert graphic designers is that they will put more effort into the work and have gained enough experience since it is the work they do.

Email Design for Email Marketing

The most efficient way to promote an online business is through email marketing. Certainly,  it is among the top graphic trends for promoting business while creating the identity of the brand in 2020. By using the data from the big data analysis, the recipient finds out the e-mailers relevant to their unique interests.

The crucial factors rely on the intention of the mail. It is designed in a manner that determines the conversion factor. Thus, there is a need for experts in designing your emails. It will help determine what works well for your firm. An outstanding design, together with the strategic placement of the CTA, can add a lot of conversion rates.

Designing According to the Target Audience

The target audience is the most important factor that you should always consider when developing strategies for promoting your business. The design, type, and styles of the content used should be appealing to the expected people that you are reaching out to when designing the graphics to develop the content for your site consider your customer’s age, culture, and financial backdrop.

Custom Design for Ads

Custom Design for Ads

The images and graphics you develop for the Ads must be made commensurately with the provided space. The main factors you should consider are visibility and the readability of the Ads. Try varying fonts and styles for the logo of the company for it to stand out in the provided small space on the page.

If you do not have graphic designers, experts or professionals, get it done by the design hill. You can select a designer and get your images well-designed since there are thousands of graphic designers in the world. Otherwise, you can create a contest whereby the designer will participate to show their work for your requirements, and then you can choose the best among them.


When it comes to the latest trends in promoting businesses, graphic designs play a crucial role. It is good for your company to develop designing strategies as it helps in boosting your company’s sales.

The trends come and go, but they are always required because they help in keeping you on edge and experimenting on new dimensions. However, even though trends are essential, they should not cage your creativity. Instead, the design trends should help you in staying relevant and aware of attaining traction across the world.

Besides, it is all about the influence that you will allow the design trends to have over you. Let 2020 be your best year by challenging yourself to indulge in the above-discussed trends masterfully.

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