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Sprint in Scrum: Iterative Development in Agile Project Management

sprint in scrum

Scrum is one of the most popular project management methodologies, especially in software development. Its main goal is to increase the efficiency and flexibility of the team’s work. It is obtained by organizing the design process and ensuring constant communication between team members and stakeholders. Scrum is often associated with an agile approach, which allows you to adapt to the changing requirements and conditions of the project.

The Scrum Methodology – Roles in The Team

Scrum Master: This person is responsible for adhering to Scrum principles, removing obstacles during work, supporting the team and communicating with stakeholders.

Product Owner: A stakeholder representative responsible for managing the product backlog and setting priorities.

Development Team: The team that does the work on the product. Teams are self-organizing and have complete autonomy in carrying out tasks.


Essential Features of Sprints in The Scrum Methodology

Sprints in the Scrum methodology are periodic iterations during which the Development Team delivers working elements of the product. Sprints allow for orderly and controlled work on the project. Its completion should finalize all tasks carried out during the sprint.

Before starting the sprint planning, based on the Product Backlog, the Product Owner selects a set of tasks to be completed during the sprint. This way, it defines the scope of work and goals of the sprint. An important rule is that no changes should be made during the sprint that could disrupt the work schedule. The Product Owner and stakeholders can only analyze progress and introduce changes to the product backlog. The proposed changes will be included in the next sprints.

At the beginning of the sprint, the work team and the Product Owner select tasks from the Product Backlog that will be performed during this sprint. These assigned tasks form the so-called Sprint Backlog, i.e., a list of tasks to be done during the sprint. During the sprint, daily meetings (Daily Scrum) are held. They are short and last a maximum of 15 minutes. At these meetings, the team discusses the progress of tasks, exchanges information and solves any problems. Visit the site: to get further details about the software development process.

How Sprints Affect Project Management

After the sprint, the team presents the Sprint Review and the work done to stakeholders and the product owner. This meeting allows feedback and the results’ evaluation. Then the Sprint Retrospective takes place, during which the Scrum Team discusses the sprint’s progress, draws conclusions and identifies future improvement areas.

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